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Product Overview

Counted Cross Stitch Kit to make 6 finished Greetings Cards.  There are 6 different designs which after stitching are then backed, cut out and applied to the front face of the single fold cards included.  Worked in full cross stitch throughout - no half or straight stitches - as are all our cross stitch designs.

Kit contains - x6 pre-cut fabric pieces of 14 count white Aida, x6 pre-cut pieces of fusible (iron-on) backing fabric, 6-stranded Anchor embroidery threads, needle, charts, full instructions, x6 white single fold 147mm square cards (with a 'hammer' surface on the outside, smooth on the inside) x6 155mm square envelopes. 

All you need to complete is an iron to apply the fusible backing fabric and some double-sided tape or glue to apply the finished cut out 'topper' to the card.

Each finished card size (when folded) 145mm square.


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  • 5
    Cross stitch cards

    Posted by J floyd on 13th Aug 2020

    Love these kits. Easy to do with clear instructions. Look lovely when finished

  • 5
    Poppy Hearts

    Posted by Carol Setright on 10th Aug 2020

    I have had quite a few card kits from this company now and the service is first class. Really enjoyable to make and the recipients loved their cards so much that they frame them.

  • 5
    Poppy Hearts

    Posted by Jackie Turkentine on 23rd Jul 2020

    Lovely kit with everything needed for six cards. I like the fact that there are no fractional stitches.

  • 5
    Poppy Hearts Card Kit

    Posted by Elizabeth Kearns on 18th Jun 2020
